China Bag Factory
YC is the best Bag Factory in China, making a wide variety of bags. We would like to introduce our manufacturing and production processing equipment used in producing bag materials in the factory. Various processing techniques and well-experienced staff are working on a daily basis to respond to all of our customer's needs.
For customers who desire to have custom fashion printed bags production or have a specific requirement for their bag needs, please see our production capabilities below if there is anything we can do for you.
We can manufacturing our bags according to the specialized dimension or specifications desired by our customers.
We can handle production of flat bags, gusseted bags, standard size bags, oval-shaped handle bags and other bags that require special processing.
Polypropylene rope processing production equipment
By twisting a flat yarn made of a polypropylene, we can produce four kinds of colors: black color, assorted colors, welded black color, welded assorted colors. Production according to the customer’s request such as the hardness of the rope is also possible.
Non woven bag making machine
After cutting the non woven raw material to the size requested by the customer, sewing and other needed processing are carried out.
Laminating Machines
It is a printing device that can print various kinds of customer designs on lamination films, then coated to non-woven raw material to make the bags according to customer request.
UV inkjet printer
It is a printing device that can print various kinds of surface materials piece by piece.
On the contrary, because it is unsuitable for mass production, it is best for prototype printing for customers that desire faster delivery of printing sample prior to mass production.
Equipped with advanced production line and strict quality control system, YC bag making has won high reputation among our customers. Our development team can design various style bags such as tote bags, drawstring bags, cooler bags, wine bags, duffel bags, canvas tote bag and so on according to customers' requirements. Our manufacturing capacity is about five million pieces each year. Our bags can be widely used for retail, shopping, packing, promotion, gift and can reach the test of REACH, ROHS, SGS. Welcome to visit our factory.